
Service Details

Zone Technique

Perfect Zone Health

"There are ONLY SIX kinds of disturbances that can affect the human body. These are the following: GLANDULAR, ELIMINATIVE, NERVOUS, DIGESTIVE,MUSCULAR, and CIRCULATORY.

All diseased conditions, aches and pains, and other discomforts experienced by the body can be attributed to one or more of the above disturbances to the body's 6 systems or Zones."

Dr. Thurman Fleet

Zone 1- Glandular System

-Memory -Energy- Skin & Hair- Thyroid Gland- Adrenals- Liver- Sleep & Relaxation- Kidneys- Uterus & Ovaries- Hormonal System

Zone 2-Eliminative System

-Sinuses- Mucus Elimination- Nose & Throat- Lungs- Kidneys- Bladder- Urination- Colon & Bowel- Skin- Toxin Elmination

Zone 3-Nervous System

-Nervous System- Eyes & Ears- Sense Organs- Mood- Sleep- Reproductive Organs- Appetite Regulation- Immune System

Zone 4-Digestive System

-Liver- Appetite Regulation- Taste- Gall Bladder- Pancreas- Bowels- Stomach Glands- Intestines- Normalize Weight- Energy

Zone 5-Muscular System

- Neck & Arms- Muscles- Movement- Nerve Life- Spinal Alignment- Strength- Pelvic & Thigh Musculus- Walking

Zone 6-Circulatory System

-Thyroid Gland- Blood Pressure- Movement of Limbs- Heart- Circulation- Lymph Vessels- Relaxation- Ease